
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
L. Beauvais1972Deux nouveaux genres de Madréporaires triasiques
L. Beauvais1972Revision des madréporaires du Dogger de Balin (Pologne) Collection Reuss
L. Beauvais1972Contribution à l'étude de la faune bathonienne dans la vallée de la Creuse (Indre)
L. Beauvais1972Trois espèces nouvelles de Madréporaires de l'Oxfordien supérieur de Grèce continentale (Province de Béotie)
S. Floris1972Scleractinian corals from the Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary of Nûgssuaq, West Greenland
G. A. Gill1972Croissance vers le bas et possibilité d'un déplacement autonome chez Genabacia, Madréporaire en petite colonie libre du Dogger
E. I. Kuzmicheva1972Biotechiskii vzaimootnosheniya rannemelovykh Skleraktiniy [Biotic interrelations of Early Cretaceous scleractinia]
E. I. Kuzmicheva1972Novye vidy rannemelovykh skleraktiniy gornogo Kryma [New species of Early Cretaceous scleractinians from the Mountain Crimea]
E. I. Kuzmicheva1972Berriasskie skleraktinii Gornogo Kryma [Berriasian scleractinians from the Mountain Crimea]
E. I. Kuzmicheva1972Novye dannye po ekologii rannemelovykh skleraktiniy Kryma, Malogo Kavkaza i Sredney Azii [New data on the ecology of Early Cretaceous scleractinians from the Crimea, Malyy Kavkaz and Middle Asia]
M. Marcoux, Poisson A.1972Une nouvelle unité structurale majeure dans les nappes d'Antalya: la nappe inférieure et ses series mésozoïques radiolaritiques (Taurides occidentals, Turquie)
G. K. Melnikova1972K revizii nekotoryh pozdnetriasovyh i ranneyurskih Stylophyllidae [On some Late Triassic and Early Jurassic stylophyllids]
O. Samuel, Borza, K., Köhler, E.1972Microfauna and lithostratigraphy of the Paleogene and adjacent Cretaceous of the Middle Vah Valley (West Carpathian)
Y. G Sikharulidze1972The new genus Paretallonia (Hexacorallia) from Lower Cretaceous sediments in western Georgia
V. Tchéchmédjiéva1972Mastrikhtski madreporovi korali ot Breznishko yugozapadna Blgariya [Maastrichtian Madreporarian corals from Breznik, south-western Bulgaria]
D. Turnšek1972Zgornjejurske koralle iz juzne Slovenije [Upper Jurassic corals of southern Slovenia]
J. W. Wells1972Notes on the fauna of the Chipola Formation - V. Symbiangia, a new rhizangiid coral
M. Wijsman-Best1972Systematics and ecology of New Caledonian Faviinae (Coelenterata – Scleractinia)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith