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E. Roniewicz1984Aragonitic Jurassic corals from erratic boulders on the south Baltic coast
E. Roniewicz1982Pennular and non-pennular Jurassic scleractinians - some examples
E. Roniewicz1979Jurassic scleractinian coral Thamnoseris Etallon, 1864, and its homeomorphs
E. Roniewicz1976Les scléractiniaires du Jurassique supérieur de la Dobrogea centrale, Roumanie
E. Roniewicz1970Scleractinia from the upper Portlandian of Tisbury, Wiltshire, England
E. Roniewicz1970Kobyastraea n. gen., genre homomorphique de Thamnasteria Lesauvage,1823 (Hexacoralla)
E. Roniewicz1968Actinaraeopsis, un nouveau genre de Madréporaire jurassique de Pologne
E. Roniewicz1966Les madréporaires du Jurassique supérieur de la bordure des Monts de Sainte-Croix, Pologne
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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith