
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
L. Beauvais, Mori K.1988Amphimeandra, a new genus in the family Amphiastraeidae (Mesozoic Scleractinia)
M. {Borel Best}, Boekschoten G. J.1988Comparative qualitative studies on coral species composition in various reef sites in the eastern Indonesian archipelago
A. F. Budd1988Large-scale evolutionary patterns in the reef-coral Montastraea: the role of phenotypic plasticity
S. D. Cairns1988Cryptotrochus, new genus and two new species of deep-water corals (Scleractinia: Turbinoliinae)
P. F. S. Cornelius, Wells J. W.1988Ellis {&} Solander's 'Zoophytes', 1786: six unpublished plates and other aspects
K. Drobne, Ogorelec, B., Plenicar, M., Zucchi-Stolfa, M. K., Turnšek, D.1988Maastrichtian, Danian and Thanetian beds in Dolenja vas (NW Dinarides, Yugoslavia). Microfacies, foraminifers, rudists and corals [Maastrichtijske Danijske in Thanetijske plasti v Dolenji vasi (NW Dinaridi) mikrofacies, foraminifere, rudisti in korale]
E. G. Kauffman, Johnson C. C.1988The morphological and ecological evolution of Middle and Upper Cretaceous reef-building rudistids
B. Lathuilière1988Analyse de populations d'isastrées bajociennes (Scléractiniaires jurassiques de France). Conséquences taxonomiques stratigraphiques et paléoécologiques
E. Morycowa1988Middle Triassic Scleractinia from the Cracow-Silesia region, Poland
F. Nemenzo1988Philippine stony corals: V. Three new species from islets in Central Philippines
F. Nemenzo1988Philippine stony corals: VI. Five species, new or unreported from the country
J. M. {Reig Oriol}1988Dos nuevos géneros de corales cretácicos
E. C. Peters, Cairns, S. D., Pilson, M. E. Q., Wells, J. W., Jaap, W. C., Lang, J. C., Vasleski, C. E., Gollahon, L. St Pierre1988Nomenclature and biology of Astrangia poculata (=A. danae, =A. astreiformis) (Cnidaria: Anthozoa)
E. Roniewicz1988Cylismilia nom. n. (Scleractinia, Jurassic)
C. R. C. Sheppard, Salm R. V.1988Reef and coral communities of Oman, with a description of a new coral species (Order Scleractinia, genus Acanthastrea)
G. D. Stanley, Jr1988The history of early Mesozoic reef communities: a three-step process
V. Tchéchmédjiéva1988Espéces nouvelles de Madréporaires du Maestrichtien en Bulgarie du sud-ouest
J. E. N. Veron, Kelley R.1988Species stability in reef corals of Papua New Guinea and the Indo Pacific
N. Yamagiwa, Hisada, K. -ichiro, Tamura, M.1988Early Cretaceous hexacorals from the western part of the Sanchu area, Kanto Mountains
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith