
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
A. F. Budd, Wallace C. C.2008First record of the Indo-Pacific coral genus Isopora in the Caribbean region: Two new species from the Neogene of Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles
A. H. Caruthers, D}, Jr {S. George2008Systematic analysis of Upper Triassic silicified scleractinian corals from Wrangellia and the Alexander terrane, Alaska and British Columbia
C. Chen, Dai, C. - F., Plathong, S., Chiou, C. - Y., Chen, C. Allen2008The complete mitochondrial genomes of needle corals, Seriatopora spp. (Scleractinia : Pocilloporidae): An idiosyncratic atp8, duplicated trnW gene, and hypervariable regions used to determine species phylogenies and recently diverged populations
H. Fukami, Chen, C. Allen, Budd, A. F., Collins, A. G., Wallace, C. C., Chuang, Y. - Y., Dai, C. - F., Iwao, K., Sheppard, C. R. C., Knowlton, N.2008Mitochondrial and nuclear genes suggest that stony corals are monophyletic but most families of stony corals are not (Order Scleractinia, Class Anthozoa, Phylum Cnidaria)
M. V. Kitahara, Cairns S. D.2008New records of the genus Crispatotrochus (Scleractinia; Caryophylliidae) from New Caledonia, with description of a new species
Y. Ya Latypov, Selin N. I.2008Coral communities of barrier reefs of Vietnam
J. M. Locke, Coates K. A.2008What are the costs of bad taxonomic practices: and what is Madracis mirabilis?
F. L. D. Nunes, Fukami, H., Vollmer, S. V., Norris, R. D., Knowlton, N.2008Re-evaluation of the systematics of the endemic corals of Brazil by molecular data
Z. T. Richards, van Oppen, M. J. H., Wallace, C. C., Willis, B. L., Miller, D. J.2008Some rare Indo-Pacific coral species are probably hybrids
E. Roniewicz2008Kimmeridgian-Valanginian reef corals from the Moesian platform from Bulgaria
D. Sanders, Baron-Szabo R. C.2008Palaeoecology of solitary corals in soft-substrate habitats: the example of Cunnolites (upper Santonian, Eastern Alps)
F. Stefani, Benzoni, F., Pichon, M., Cancelliere, C., Galli, P.2008A multidisciplinary approach to the definition of species boundaries in branching species of the coral genus Psammocora (Cnidaria, Scleractinia)
F. Stefani, Benzoni, F., Pichon, M., Mitta, G., Galli, P.2008Genetic and morphometric evidence for unresolved species boundaries in the coral genus Psammocora (Cnidaria; Scleractinia)
R. C. Baron-Szabo2008Corals of the K/T-boundary: Scleractinian corals of the suborders Dendrophylliina, Caryophylliina, Fungiina, Microsolenina, and Stylinina
C. C. Wallace2008New species and records from the Eocene of England and France support early diversification of the coral genus Acropora
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith