
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
J. R. Bryan, Carter, B. D., H}, Jr, {F. R., Krumm, D. K., Stemann, T. A.1997The Salt Lake Mountain of Alabama
S. D. Cairns1997A generic revision and phylogenetic analysis of the Turbinoliidae (Cnidaria: Scleractinia)
S. D. Cairns, Zibrowius H.1997Cnidaria Anthozoa: azooxanthellate Scleractinia from the Philippine and Indonesian regions
J. - P. Cuif, Dauphin, Y., Gautret, P.1997Biomineralization features in scleractinian coral skeletons: source of new taxonomic criteria
H. Eliášová1997Coraux pas encore décrits ou redécrits du Crétacé supérieur de Bohême
H. Eliášová1997Coraux crétacés de Bohême (Cénomanien supérieur; Turonien inférieur–Coniacien inférieur). République tchèque
M. Gameil1997Cretaceous corals of Gabal Mokattab, west central Sinai, Egypt
C. J. Hollis1997Cretaceous-Paleocene Radiolaria from eastern Marlborough, New Zealand
E. Insalaco, Hallam, A., Rosen, B. R.1997Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic) coral reefs in Western Europe: reef types and conceptual depositional model
S. C. Jameson1997Morphometric analysis of the Poritidae (Anthozoa: Scleractinia) off Belize
R. Martini, Vachard, D., Zaninetti, L., Cirilli, S., Cornée, J. - J., Lathuilière, B., Villeneuve, M.1997Sedimentology, stratigraphy, and micropalaeontology of the Upper Triassic reefal series in Eastern Sulawesi (Indonesia)
E. Morycowa1997Some remarks on Eugyra de Fromentel, 1857 (Scleractinia, Cretaceous)
E. Morycowa1997On a new rhipidogyrin genus, Diplocoeniella (Scleractinia, Lower Cretaceous)
J. M. {Reig Oriol}1997Sobre el género Meandrastrea y su especie Meandrastrea crassisepta (Madreporario cretácico)
J. M. {Reig Oriol}, Vilella J.1997Un nuevo subgénero de corales (Maastrichtiense de Isona, Lleida)
D. K. Pandey, Lathuilière B.1997Variability in Epistreptophyllium from the Middle Jurassic of Kachchh, Western India: an open question for the taxonomy of Mesozoic scleractinian corals
R. C. Baron-Szabo1997Die Korallenfazies der ostalpinen Kreide (Helvetikum: Allgäuer Schrattenkalk; Nördliche Kalkalpen: Brandenberger Gosau). Taxonomie, Palökologie
R. C. Baron-Szabo, Fernandez-Mendiola P. A.1997Cretaceous scleractinian corals from the Albian of Cabo de Ajo (Cantabria Province, N-Spain)
A. Vecsei, Moussavian E.1997Paleocene reefs on the Maiella platform margin, Italy: An example of the effects of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary events on reefs and carbonate platforms
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith